I made the illustrations for this children's book which tells a story set in Prehistory, published in 2021 by Edizioni Centro Studi Erickson.

I started by making some sketches to understand what style to give to the characters and all the elements:

Then I chose the color palette:

I made some test drawings, following the precise instructions of the author, a true archaeologist!
The story is set in the Ice Age but there was no snow where the protagonists lived, so I eliminated the snowy settings!
The story is set in the Ice Age but there was no snow where the protagonists lived, so I eliminated the snowy settings!

After defining all the characters I started drawing the scenes. I worked directly in Illustrator this time.

I have also designed a pattern that is used on the inside of the book and on the cover:

And finally here are some of the finished illustrations. Inside the book, in addition to the illustrations of the story, there are games and activities.